On April 7, 2020, an online conversation took place at the Uzstandard agency with E. Strazdina, Regional Coordinator of the GLOBAL GAP organization for Central Asia, Latvia and Europe.

The negotiations were devoted to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables and agricultural products in accordance with the requirements of the international GLOBAL GAP standard, export of these products to European countries, the establishment of modern requirements of international standards and certification of production processes, training of specialists, raising funds from the World Bank and international donor organizations, discussion cooperation with European trade cooperatives and internationally recognized organizations.

E. Strazdina, in order to mitigate the negative consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on behalf of the GLOBAL GAP organization, reported that supporting local manufacturers remotely, introducing an international standard, GLOBAL GAP certification and organizing online seminars, online audits, online trainings for university students, agricultural and farming specialists have been established, and also announced their readiness to provide practical assistance to Uzbekistan in these areas.

Based on the results of the online dialogue, it was decided to develop an “Action Plan” for the effective implementation of the international standard GLOBAL G.A.P to accelerate certification and organize distance learning courses.

                                                                                                        Uzstandard agency

                                                                                   International Cooperation Department