“Etalonlar va yuqori aniqlikdagi o‘lchash vositalarini xarid qilish dasturi” ijrosi to‘g‘risida ma’lumot... “Etalonlar va yuqori aniqlikdagi o‘lchash vositalarini xarid qilish dasturi” ijrosi to‘g‘risida ma’lumot... “Etalonlar va yuqori aniqlikdagi o‘lchash vositalarini xarid qilish dasturi” ijrosi to‘g‘risida ma’lumot... “Etalonlar va yuqori aniqlikdagi o‘lchash vositalarini xarid qilish dasturi” ijrosi to‘g‘risida ma’lumot... O‘zbekiston texnik jihatdan tartibga solish agentligi Markaziy apparatidagi vakant bo‘lgan Boshqarma boshlig‘i lavozimga tanlov e’lon qiladi...
Metrological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan consists of:
The technical basis of the national system of the united system of measurement is the national standard base, located in the Center of the National Standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan (CNS).
The Research Institute of Standardization, Metrology and Certification (RISMC) is the head scientific and practical center.
Metrology Department carries out works coordination and general technical guidance in the field of the united system of measurement provision in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
“Uzstandard” Agency according to the current legislation:
The national metrological control and supervision shall apply to the: